Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A sort of homecoming

Don't worry if you missed Schadenfreude's sold-out show last night at the Steppenwolf Theatre; you've got six more chances to catch their act. 

The proven champs of the Chicago comedy scene celebrate their tenth anniversary with the 2008 Rent Party Tour, playing a different neighborhood bar (and a different neighborhood) for the next six Saturday nights.  Special guest comedians vary by show; tour sponsor Pabst Blue Ribbon reflects Schadenfreude's workmanlike approach. 

It all starts this Saturday evening in Bucktown at the Gallery Cabaret, with guest performers including the excellent two-man joke machine Team Submarine. 9 p.m. $10. Free food.  What better way to unwind after a first-night seder?

Tour info is here; my Flavorpill preview is here.

To get you in the mood, here's a little something Schadenfreude threw together with their friends Kanye West and Chris Martin (note my nonviolent drive-by cameo at the 0:44 mark).

1 comment:

justin said...

We'll be attending the same first seder, but unwinding/digesting at different venues. I'll be at the Windy City Rollers' post-derby fest at the Cobra Lounge. PBRs on me!