Thursday, March 17, 2011

God of Carnage

I recently attended the opening of Yasmina Reza's God of Carnage at the Goodman Theatre and enjoyed the show as I did in New York City.

As I wrote for Flavorpill Chicago:

The Broadway premiere of God of Carnage delivered both Yasmina Reza's anticipated follow-up to the hit play Art and James Gandolfini's first major role after playing a racketeer of some renown. Neither represented a particularly grand departure from its predecent, but then, there's something to giving the people what they want. In God of Carnage, Reza again displays the gradually cracking veneer over polite society's underlying resentments, this time stopping just short of the brutality that two neighbor couples hope to correct between their offspring. It's a heady mashup of Lord of the Flies and "The Honeymooners," and a generally entertaining downward ride.

God of Carnage runs through April 17th at the Goodman Theatre, 170 N. Dearborn St., Chicago.

My Flavorpill preview includes a ticket link and further information.

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