Thursday, April 16, 2009

Attention crossword puzzle lovers Chicago, at least.


John C. said...

Will you be there? I signed up a couple weeks ago and am pretty geeked about it. I hope I get the chance to chat up Amy Reynaldo while there.

Ben said...

I'll see you there. Should be fun, a little taste of Stamford/Brooklyn.

You'll get to talk to Amy too; she's staffing the event:

John C. said...

Oh, I know. Her blog is where I first heard about it.

Ben said...

Ah, I see. I learned about it from the great Rex Parker, whom I met and liked at the 2009 tournament.

For that matter, I prefer his blog:

John C. said...

Rex is good. I usually read Amy's, though, because she does the Tausig (Ink Well and AV Club) puzzles, too. One-stop shop, yo.