Wednesday, April 1, 2009

An announcement

After many years of keeping this to myself, I have something important to tell you. My own blog is an appropriately personal forum for the following announcement:

I'm gay.

This will come as little surprise to those who have done the math. A single, never married, slightly elegant, highly educated, thirtysomething man who lives alone in an architecturally significant Art Deco building with a widely admired flower garden, reads the New Yorker, completes the Saturday New York Times crossword puzzle and covers Broadway in Chicago musicals for an arts website... does that sound like a straight guy to you?

Others of you may find this surprising, particularly the women I've dated and in a few cases nearly married. But at some point, we have to be honest with ourselves. I don't want to go to another high school reunion pretending to be something I'm not.

I rarely write here in such intimate specifics, but it was time to unburden myself. Don't worry, soon enough I'll get back to babbling about Will Ferrell, movie previews, New York City, cultural festivals, Northwestern University, comedy in all its forms and my latest Flavorpill writeups. Meanwhile, I'm excited about starting a whole new life.

Thanks for listening.


Jon Strauss said...

Good for you, Ben. I hope your friends and family are supporting you. And, for what it's worth, I never suspected it.

Felicia said...

You are my hero Benjy

Unknown said...

I never thought about it! Your sexual orientation, that is. I have been too immersed in your witty banter and famous sleight-of-hand magic tricks. But congratulations, Ben! Hugs and high fives.

hillary said...

wow Ben! WOW! I am SO proud of you! Wanna come to SF Pride this year? It's SO MUCH FUN!

hillary said...

wait... maybe i'm the jackass here? god i'm gullible.

Anonymous said...

Who comes out on April 1? A guy whose name is only one letter away from Bend Ass, that's who.

Andrea said...

I'm assuming this is an April Fools post, but you have my support either way :-)