Tuesday, October 12, 2010

World news

Trapped Chilean miners get 13 hours of television a day

I.e., they are now Americans.


Anonymous said...

I can honestly say that even spending months trapped in a mine would not compel me to watch "Jersey Shore."

Elaine said...

And FREE, too!

Ben said...

The miners got free, or the television was?

Elaine said...

Oh, sorry-- Unclear Prose. tsk.

I was responding to your 'i.e., now they're Americans.' A bit in the spirit of celebration.....

Ben said...

@Haphazard, I have the following questions about Mike "the Situation" Sorrentino, who was apparently just ousted from Dancing With the Stars (a show I've never seen and thus a cultural trend I've opted out of, along with Jersey Shore, Glee, American Idol, The Hills, and various programs about desperate and/or real housewives):

1. Is he the Situation or are his abs the Situation? I once heard two people debate this point and found it oddly fascinating.

2. Do his friends call him Situation? Situaish? The?

3. How do we -- you, me, America -- get back the time we've spent thinking about this guy?

Anonymous said...

If I knew who/what The Situation was, I could probably answer your question. In this case, ignorance is indeed bliss.