Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm dreaming of a white Kwanzaa

And speaking of Avenue Q...

I went to college with the show's co-creator, Jeff Marx, and we've stayed friends ever since. At one point, we were simultaneously writing and directing our respective law schools' annual parody revues, each entitled "Law Misérables." Apparently there are only so many theatrical legal puns.

In the years since, I've gone on to win a Tony Award for my smash hit Broadway show, which also toured the nation and played London, Las Vegas, Israel, Scandinavia and southeast Asia; been hired by major Hollywood studios to write movie musicals; worked with the South Park guys on a new screenplay; and been nominated for an Emmy Award for my episode of Scrubs. No, wait, that was all Jeff. But I created a blog.

A few weeks ago, Jeff mentioned in an email that he was en route to New York to work on his CNN song. I didn't understand what he meant, but figured he was creating a new jingle for them.

It turns out Jeff was headed for the show D.L. Hughley Breaks the News to perform his new holiday song, "White Kwanzaa." It's good stuff, and it sounds something like this:

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