Sunday, January 13, 2008

Advice from Grandpa Mike

Gravel tells kids: use pot over alcohol
[Chicago Tribune]

Former Alaska senator and low-profile presidential candidate Mike Gravel would go on to dispense more campaign-trail wisdom to America's children.

Gravel tells kids: reading is for losers

Gravel tells kids: you don't need a license to drive a golf cart

Gravel tells kids: there's probably money in your mom's purse

Gravel tells kids: that 14-year-old who slept with his teacher is my hero

Gravel tells kids: I can kick your ass in Madden NFL 08

Gravel tells kids: get it out of your system before you can be tried as an adult

Gravel tells kids: no occasionally means yes

Gravel tells kids: the Toyota Camry is the easiest car to hotwire

Gravel tells kids: Bono is so gay

Gravel tells kids: when you use pot over alcohol, please invite me

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