Friday, February 24, 2012

"I've got no time for trivialities"

My trivia league, LearnedLeague, kicked off its new season yesterday.  This would be a perfect time to write about Match Day 1, but I have to get a suit on and drive through a six-inch overnight snowfall to a 9am court appearance about 25 miles outside of the city. For whoever's interested (both of you), I'll write about Thursday and Friday LL action in this space over the weekend.

Until then, here's a trivia question to keep you occupied. Who is the only major league baseball player to hit All-Star Game home runs for three different teams? (Real teams, not National or American, smart guy.)

1 comment:

John C. said...

That's a good trivia question. My first guess was Jim Thome. Then I looked it up.

I'd love to participate in LearnedLeague. Enjoyed reading your write-ups of last season.