Friday, August 19, 2011

And speaking of social media...

Someone named "georgecarlin" just followed me on Twitter. This would be considerably more exciting if it weren't for the fact that, well, you know.


Elaine said...

Just so you know, there are several BEN BASS impersonators on FaceBook, one claiming to enjoy 'Texas Hold'em.'

Matt said...

No, you can follow people on Twitter from beyond the grave. New feature that came in when they got that cash infusion from the Russian billionaire. It's actually Carlin, man. That's sweet.

Ben said...

Hmm... I'd better stop stealing his material.

Trip said...

If you don't think being followed by a zombie is exciting, you must live one helluva life.

ric said...

Yeah. Is Tammy Faye Baker following you too? That would be cool.