Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Sea and Cake

Shake off the post-turkey doldrums with a gently persuasive rock show by the estimable Sea and Cake.  The indie heroes return to Chicago to play Lincoln Hall tonight.

The evening opens with the catchy folk-pop of fellow hometown act Brighton, MA.

My Flavorpill preview is here.  Meanwhile, here's a representative sample from the Sea and Cake's latest album:


Anonymous said...

OMG. I did not see this and I LOVE the Sea and Cake. I had no idea you were a fan.NONE. Ben Bass, this brings you to a whole new level in my eyes. I am so sorry that I missed them perform. next time keep me in the 411.

Ben said...

It would be easier to keep you in the loop if you weren't, you know, anonymous.