Friday, February 6, 2009

"Thank You, Seth Traxler: A First Night with Will Ferrell"

I was fortunate to attend last night's premiere of Will Ferrell's red-hot Broadway play "You're Welcome, America: A Final Night with George W. Bush."

Having been equally fortunate to catch a rehearsal a few weeks ago, I laughed just as hard the second time around. It's a rock-solid, hilarious, cathartic show. The run ends in March and tickets are just about sold out, but scattered singles and premium seats remain. You can also catch it on HBO live from the Cort Theater on the evening of Saturday, March 14.

The afterparty was a star-studded affair, with the likes of Lorne Michaels (or as Tracy Morgan calls him, "Lornie Mikes"), Jimmy Fallon, Ana Gasteyer, Jon Hamm, Jennifer Westfeldt, Paul Rudd, Brooke Shields, James Lipton, Jason Sudeikis, Will Forte, Jack McBrayer and Demetri Martin joining Ferrell and director Adam McKay to celebrate the opening night.

But what piqued my interest was the unlikely presence of one Salman Rushdie.

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