In the several years since its introduction, the NYer C.C.C. has delighted the New Yorker magazine readership and bedeviled the subset that thinks it's funny. With over five thousand submissions a week and room for only three finalists, talking the talk has proven easier than walking the walk. Good for you, Neal: even making the final three is quite a coup.

Of course, Team Obama had 22 months to prime the electorate, and we have but a few days; voting ends this Sunday at 11:59 p.m. E.S.T.
So vote! Get your friends to vote! Tell your mailman to vote! Train your dog to click a mouse, then tell it to vote! Form an exploratory committee to determine whether your superintelligent dog is a viable candidate to take back that House seat in your district from the GOP! Then take a nap, you've earned it! Then get someone else to vote! (By the way, I hope all of those votes you just wrangled were for Neal.)
Once again, the polling place is here:
Pass the link around! Share it with your loved ones! Make a T-shirt out of it! Tell everyone to vote Svalstad!
If the United States can produce a historic election result once in November 2008, we can do it twice. Neal's a funny man and a great guy, so he's deserving of this laurel. He and his beautiful bride Erin are about to become first-time parents, so let's usher in that era in style.
America, join me in helping the "Striking Viking" win the New Yorker caption contest. Let's do this.
Yes we can!
You're right: your friend's caption stands far above the competition. I dutifully voted.
Speaking of the New Yorker, though, I've been getting my issues absurdly late recently. The one with the light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel cover showed up about 10 days after it usually does. I still haven't gotten the Food Issue, either. Since we're neighbors, I thought I'd check to see if the same has been true for you.
Most of my important mail comes to my office. Since the New Yorker is pretty much the only homebound mail I care about, and I'm always a few issues behind, I tend to let them collect in my mailbox and grab several issues at once.
But yes, even I know the service has been spotty lately. The other day I found the November 3 and 17 issues in my mailbox, but no November 10 (the tunnel cover). I called them and they offered to add a week onto my subscription. Completist that I am, I asked them to send the Nov. 10 issue instead. Of course, I haven't checked my mailbox since so I don't know whether it's arrived yet.
What I can't figure out is, why does our mailman need to read both your copy and mine?
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