Sunday, November 6, 2011

It really is YouTube

I've never had a YouTube account. My inclination to shoot video is so negligible that, for example, the game-changing Flip camera was released, became insanely popular, gradually cooled off, and was eventually discontinued — all before I ever thought about getting one.

I recently felt like posting a comment on someone else's video, which required me to register a username on the site. I tried to choose the name "benbass" and here's what happened:

As you can see, YouTube replied that the name "benbass" was unavailable, surely due to my many imitators, but suggested various other options:
  • MsBenbass:  Do they know something about me that I don't?
  • benbassful:  I suppose I am if anyone is, but is that something I want to make into an Internet username? (On a related note, Megan F. and Maria K. in the 3212 Clifton Crew used to refer to me as "benbasstic.")
  • benbassify and benbassification:   Although I am generally in favor of the benbassification of this country (and, indeed, world), all right-thinking people vehemently disagree with me. Again, who would go this route when choosing a YouTube username?
  • SuperBenbass: Thanks for the compliment, but the shameless suckupery is off-putting, and even among people vain enough to name blogs after themselves, this seems obnoxious and preposterous to the extreme.
Apparently, YouTube really is all about you.


Rose Gomez MD said...

How about benboss?

Elaine said...

I have a really nice shot of a bass I caught on my blog....

Landed Bass?

Hmm, there are some directions one shouldn't go, however.


This was how I felt when I found out 'Mean Old Lady' was taken as a blogspot registration. Not in use, just reserved! So unfair.