Friday, November 11, 2011



You may have noted the verticality of today's date, particularly when it's written with pipes rather than slashes or hyphens. Neither is it lost on a New York-based society of fabric aficionados known as the Corduroy Appreciation Club, a shadowy yet friendly social organization with the broad-minded slogan All Wales Welcome.

Its kinship for the "cloth of kings" is such that it meets twice each year: on January 11 and November 11, the dates that most resemble corduroy. Past meetings have included celebrity guest speakers known for wearing corduroy, poetry about corduroy, good-natured debate about vertical vs. horizontal corduroy, and, inevitably, food and drink that resemble corduroy.

As you might imagine, the centennial rarity of today's date has the C.A.C. all aflutter with cottony excitement. To celebrate the "date that most resembles corduroy, EVER," the club is throwing not merely its annual Grand Meeting, but a Grandest Meeting, in New York City. Highlights will include a keynote address by Amy Sedaris and the installation of a Corduroy Messiah, a child who turns eleven today.

The N.Y.C. throwdown is sold out, but the wave of corduroy excitement has spread like a comfortable fabric across the country to Washington, D.C.; Chicago; and, of course, Fromberg, Montana. Unlike the Grandest Meeting, tonight's celebrations in these cities are not ticketed events, so if you want to get your 'roy on, more information is here. While perhaps less elaborate than the Grandest Meeting, these gatherings promise to be as warm and cozy as an old pair of, well, you know.

Corduroy Appreciation Club meetings generally adhere to the Two Item Rule, i.e. that one must be wearing two corduroy items to be granted admission. Tonight's Grandest Meeting in New York will enforce a Three (or as it should probably be called, III) Item Rule.

The last word on this unparalleled yet quite paralleled occasion goes to the New York Times:

Corduroy Fans Prepare for the Fabric's Day of All Days


Ajlounyinjurylaw said...

Corduroy Appreciation Clubs, new concept to me.

Tyler said...

I have a new concept?