Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Where there's a Will...

... is the Today show.

Tomorrow morning, NBC's Today will air a feature segment on NPR puzzlemaster, New York Times puzzle editor and (most importantly) friend of this blog Will Shortz. Correspondent Jenna Bush (!) recently interviewed Will at his home in suburban New York City after stopping by the National Puzzlers' League convention in Providence, R.I. a few weeks ago to shoot some B-roll. Apparently Ms. Bush is bright, personable and a decent Scrabble player. (Insert political jibe here.)

Will is a terrific guy with a highly interesting career, so I'm sure the interview will be worth watching. Set your DVR!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Hmm. Nothing new. A good reporter knows what's already been asked and answered and comes up with fresh questions! And the DHubby was catty enough to say, "I hope they did not pay her for that piece." But her hair and make-up were impeccable.