Friday, August 8, 2008

American masters

On Fridays we post live performances.

Regular readers of this space may have noticed our preference for harmony, for beautiful songwriting, for artistry; generally, for things that are awesome.

Here, from fall 2003, visiting David Letterman to promote their first reunion tour in twenty years, it's Simon and Garfunkel.

And speaking of "good to great," as I was the other day, the first song is good and the second is great:


Anonymous said...

Who is the "we" that is posting video. Do you have staff?

Ben said...

Yes, at any given time this blog has four or five unpaid interns from Northwestern and the University of Chicago. They assist us (oops, me) with everything: unearthing YouTube clips, writing my "witty" observations, finding new ways to profess my love for the New Yorker magazine, opening my weekly sack of fan mail, and giving the extravagant Page Six treatment to my friends.

Did you really think one person could do all this alone?

Anonymous said...

I saw them at The United Center and Cried with joy the whole show. Best night ever.