Saturday, August 30, 2008

Memo to Sen. Obama

Nice speech the other night, and liked the Biden pick.

Just one teensy thing. Next time you're texting your followers about your VP choice, could you please not do it several hours before my DVR is set to record Olympic table tennis on MSNBC? Because your announcement bumped the Olympics coverage and I'd have preferred the novelty of ping-pong on TV over a bunch of talking heads droning about Joe Biden. Mmmk? Kthx muah luv u!


Jenny Blair said...

L<3 ur txtspk.

Jenny Blair said...

Excuse me, Beyond: I misspelled a word in my previous comment. That should have been <3.

Ben said...

It's cool, I never give people a hard time for misspellings.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the informative information - I enjoyed reading it! I always enjoy this blog. :) Cheers,