Monday, February 25, 2008

My heavens!

Such language!

Feisty stuff from Craiglist:


Anonymous said...

were you searching for cinder blocks or NAMBLA when you found this post? or both?


Ben said...

Cute. I think I randomly ran across this one on someone else's blog, actually. Note that it came from Richmond Craigslist last year. At some point since, I assume it ceased to be an active Craigs post and became amusement fodder.

Sometimes people pass things along and I post them, but not this time. It's been sitting here for a week or two in my "post whenever you have nothing to write about" file (I know, I know - do I ever?).

Lisa212 said...

"post whenever you have nothing to write about" file

LOL -- I keep those files, too. Geeks unite!