Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Pants on the Ground"

I've never seen American Idol, nor do I watch Late Night with Jimmy Fallon although it employs my hilarious college buddy Mike Blieden as a comedy writer. However, I got a kick out of this performance piece that I learned about on the Howard Stern radio show.

Apparently the other day on Idol some guy sang a song called "Pants on the Ground" that chastised young people who wearing droopy trousers. This inspired Fallon to chip in an uncanny impersonation of (for some reason) Neil Young playing the shaggy-dog tune.

Lest we forget, Fallon got his original Saturday Night Live gig on the strength of his celebrity impressions. He's an expert mimic and still working for "Lornie Mikes" all these years later.

Here's Fallon in action:


Anonymous said...

You finally got something right, this was remarkable.

Ben said...

Um... thanks?